Hey Ordway...You Just Got Prep School Faced Bruh

Congrats to the Big O.  He has joined the exclusive club of people who tried to take down the Stool only to get Prep School Faced as our army continues to grow and vanquish all who dare to challenge it.




So last night I went to the Grand Opening party of Miltons new store in Chestnut Hill.   Pretty much every radio perosnality in Boston was there and 1 blogger being yours truly.   Anyway as this picture shows Ordway waddled his fat ass up to me at the event and we had a solid 20-30 minute Bradygate coversation.   I think the above photo pretty much sums up my reaction to the entire thing.   Some of the takeaways from it.

1. Glen said he talked about Bradygate for 1 hour.  No more.  (Blatant Lie)

2. Glen said Bradygate happened on a Friday and he went on vacation the next week so this proves that it was impossible for him to talk about it 2 days  (Again a blatant lie.  Bradygate was Thursday. He led the show off on Friday with it.  He said we probably got more hits because of him talking about it the day before than in the history of the site)

3. Glen agreed that WEEI fucked me with the way they handled it but he took no responsibility for it himself even though he was the ringleader.   He blamed not letting me defend myself on the air all on “the lawyers” whatever that means.   Since when can’t radio stations have controversial people on the air?   I was on every radio station in the country that week discussing it.  Seems weird the WEEI lawyers would ban me before they even knew the story was gonna blow up.  Lie.

4. Glen said he knew people who knew me and couldn’t tell whether this was an act or whether I really hated him.  I clarified that I really hate him for the record.

5. I also told him if he really thought I got fucked with the way they handled it he had 2 years to reach out and apologize for it, but instead waited for the day his internet basement radio station launched just because he needs Barstool to help him.

That was pretty much the gist of it.  A ton of he said she said with him saying over and over he only talked about it for 1 hour and was actually defending me to callers.  I couldn’t tell whether he knew he was lying or had come to believe his lies. I guess the bottomline is this.  I could give a shit less about Bradygate at this point.   I don’t really care about Glenn either.     I’d actually have more respect for him if he just manned up and told the truth which is that he was desperate for ratings and didn’t give a shit about what happened to me and he’d do it again in a heartbeat.   But just lying about how it went down and expecting me to be like “nah no biggie”  is kind of a weak look.

PS – They also had a silent auction thing at this event for charity.  Needless to say the real mogul in the room stepped up and pretty much won every prize.   I don’t think anybody bid on anything except me and 1 other guy.  I won batting practice at Fenway, sideline passes to the Pats, golf trips, etc.  You name it I won it.  I didn’t even want half the shit.  I just liked seeing all the radio guys with their hands in their pockets while I was bidding against myself just because I can.   I think I even started chirping people that it was for charity and to get their hands out of their pockets.  Money talks bullshit walks.


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