UPDATE - Stoolies Have Raised 20K To Try And Save Gabriel The Dog's Life. Thanks To Everybody Who Donated

UPDATE – We reached the goal of 20k in only 5 hours.  Thanks to everybody who donated.  Jake emailed and said he was touched and moved by the support.   Stoolies doing what they do best.  Knowing when it’s time to step up.  Gabriel is at Tufts in Boston which is one of the few hospitals apparently that will do this procedure on dogs.   Jake said he’ll keep us updated on his progress.  Thanks again.  Viva.


In case you missed it here is the story…






Razoo – Most all of you remember the story of Jake Murphy and Gabriel. If you don’t just Google JAKE MURPHY and GABRIEL CNN: IS IT FATE and read all about them. In talking to his wife Lisa, she said Jake is more upset at the thought of losing Gabriel than he was when he lost his legs in Afganistan. It will cost at least $1500 a day in addition to the huge bill already incurred by this family, in order to treat Gabriel and hopefully save his life. His chance of survival without dialysis is very low but studies show 86% of dogs with Lepto treated by dialysis survive. Please help us to help this true American Hero save his service dog.

Click for Jake and Gabriel’s  story

Click for Jake’s back story


I don’t really have much to say here.  This is the most no brainer cause in the history of causes.  We need to raise 20K for this local hero ASAP. I’m keeping this link at the top until we get the money which hopefully be a matter of minutes. This is what Stoolies do best.  One of our own needs us plain and simple.   I’m talking about both Jake Murphy and Gabriel.






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