Man Overboard!



I’ve watched a ton of playoff hockey in my time and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a team more snake bitten than the Bruins were this series.   Anybody with eyeballs knows they were the better team here.  If they play 100 times Bruins probably win 80 of them.  But they just had negative infinity puck luck all series.   Post after post after post.   Sure it didn’t help that they somehow came out sleep walking in Game 7 and Price outplayed Tuuka all series long, but I don’t think anything would have mattered.    Not when you hit the most posts in the history of a 7 game series since they’ve started keeping that stat.  You just can’t overcome that.   Doesn’t ease the pain though.  It’s gonna be a long hard 365 days waiting for playoff hockey to start again.


PS – If you want to blame anybody blame these two.  Jinx city.


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