There's A Hot New Exclusive Lounge In NYC But Only Models Can Go

Mashable – When you enter the Union Square Coffee Shop, you find your typical diner-like eatery, complete with a bar and plushy booths. Patrons sip on coffee, read newspapers and chat. It’s just your normal lunch hour.

A tall woman swooshes past you as if she owns the place, descending into the darkness. She’s headed to the Modellounge — a safe haven for female fashion models in New York.

But unless you’re a female model working with one of the top-ranked modeling agencies, you’re not invited — sorry.

According to marketing-trained Bernard Smith, who opened the Modellounge in 2009, models can have up to 16 to 20 booked appointments each day, especially during Fashion Week. And as he learned from dating a model, places to go between those appointments are few and far between (or, at least places to avoid getting hit on).

What Smith calls “a secret underworld” is really a cozy lounge for models to relax. They can eat snacks, practice their runway walks and receive free back massages — you know, typical underground restaurant stuff.

There are 30 to 50 models in the lounge at a given time, with an average of 70 models stopping by each day. During New York Fashion Week, that number increases to a whopping 250 per day. When it’s crowded, some models resort to sitting on the hardwood floors, but Smith says it’s the ideal place to stay warm in the winter.

Sounds great right? In New York everyone has money so nothing is exclusive enough to keep the ugly people out. Congrats on all your success investment bankers of the world but your hairlines dropped back to mid scalp aren’t exactly sexing up 1 Oak. But with this one? It’s a requirement to be professionally beautiful, something you can’t change possibly change no matter how rich you are. It’s a great move…other than the one caveat that no dudes are allowed in except for this Bernard Smith character, who looks like this:



WHAT A FUCKING RACKET for this guy. Like he’s not bad looking or anything but HARDLY worth being the sole man to break through the haven of half naked model massages in the back of a Union Square diner. Bottom line: It’s time to open this up. Not to the regular people — “normies” is what the models call them, I imagine — but just those people both sexy and influential enough to justify an invite. Share the wealth, Bernie. Ain’t no fun if the homies can’t get none.


And you know who’s your ideal first male candidate? Someone who juggles success and raw sex appeal with grace. Unafraid to be an iconoclast. None other than Internet Influencer Chris Spags. I’m not one to brag but let’s just say it’s times like these I’m glad that 18-year-old me bit the bullet on acting headshots to indirectly forever commemorate my fuckability.




Oh is that a young Enrique Iglesias? Nope just a future regular common man blogger, easy to confuse the two for sure. Either way, fully deserving of a pass stamped into the hidden temple of models. Time to make this happen.


See ya at Modellounge fuckboys. If I get a +1 I’ll let you know.

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