The Continuing Saga Of El Prez, Johnny Football, Drizzy And The MoneyTeam


And so continues the ongoing saga of El Prez, Johnny Football, and Drizzy.  Last time we left this tale our fair hero (EL Pres) was telling the story off how Johnny Football blew us off at the final four.


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Immediately after the rundown was posted Johnny Football sent this exchange:




Fast forward to yesterday.  I was already planning on being at the Draft because I thought it would be great material.  (I was wrong.  The Draft is boring as shit.  I left after the 1st pick to watch the Bruins game)   Anyway me and Johnny chatted it up before the draft like old pals getting ready to tear up the city afterwards.




Crickets.  I heard nothing.   Once again Johnny Football waving the dick juice right in my face only to pull it away at the last second and leave me dangling like a candle in the wind.    Maybe he didn’t go out?  Maybe he was depressed he was moving to Cleveland?  That had to be it right?  Nobody would be that savage to blow somebody off twice in a row right?  Certainly not a mogul of my stature?  He must have just one to bed?    Nope.  His night went something like this.





Johnny Manziel was PARTYING like the #1 pick in the NFL Draft last night … raging his face off at Avenue in NYC with a bunch of stars, booze and super hot chicks … and TMZ Sports has the footage. Sources at the party tell us Manziel and his entourage hit the club around 1 AM where they had a private room upstairs.  We’re told Drake was there (duh) … along with Busta Rhymes, Meek Mill, NBA star Kyrie Irving and fellow 1st round draft pick Odell Beckham Jr.  The guys had a blast — spraying champagne, dancing and having a great time until almost 5 in the morning.



My night went something like this….





So now the question becomes where does this leave me and Johnny Football?  How much degradation and insult can one slightly balding blogger take?   How can I say I’m part of the Money Team when I’ve never actually hung out with the Money Team?  How many times can Johnny Football say he wants to party and then turn his phone off and ignore my texts?    As I sit here on the Accella train riding back to Boston with a broken heart and broken dreams I’ve decided to quit this dude. I’m over this shit.. He’s bad for my system. I deserve better. Fuck him. His fucking loss. In fact I’m rescinding his invite to Hankapalooza.   He may get away with embarrassing me, but I won’t put Hank in that position.  He’s too young.  Too impressionable.   You hear that Johnny.  You’re not invited anymore. You’re out of the Barstool team.

PS – Who am I kidding? If  Johnny Football booty calls me late  night I’m gonna come running like the skank I am.

Double PS – How badly does Big Cat want to hang out with Johnny Football before I do just to make me look like an ass? Probably more than I want to hang out with him.


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