The Guys That Brought You Are Now Trying To Get James Dolan To Sell The Knicks With

So the guys that made have created a website to help raise funds so they can put up a billboard on 30th St. & 7th Ave. demanding that James Dolan sell the team.  I mean I love the idea of this website, since every Knicks fan would immediately cum in their pants if news came out that Dolan was selling the team.  But unfortunately that just isn’t how it works.  Jimmy Silver Spoon has dug in his heels so deep, he would rather have the Knicks slowly die on his watch then have them win under the guidance of a new owner.  Convincing an owner to fire a GM can be accomplished through enough bad play, fan complaints, and empty seats.  But getting rid of an owner like Dolan is basically impossible.

Since this asshole owns Cablevision and The Garden, he will still be able to print money as long as New Yorkers watch cable TV, pay for internet, and go to live entertainment at MSG.  So the only way to force him to want to sell is if he can’t make money for years.  And between the corporations that buy up seats to the Knicks/Rangers/shows at The Garden and our reliance on TV/internet, we are basically stuck with Dolan until he dies.  Think of it as a dictatorship.  We are 1930’s Italy and Dolan is Mussolini (a fatter, less talented Mussolini that plays the kazoo like a fuckhead).

The last time someone took a shot at Dolan on a billboard near MSG was the Nets.  It turned out their “blueprint” was basically how to build the early-2000’s capped-out, draft pick-less Knicks in Brooklyn with a boring color scheme.  So great job, Nets.  Both of the guys on the billboard are basically gone less than five years later.   BROOOOOOOOKLYNNNNNNNN.  BROOOOOOOOOOOOOKLYNNNNNNNNNN.

But you should still go to and see what they are all about.  The Wall of Shame page is an especially tough punch to the gut of all the terrible moves the Knicks have made under Dolan’s watch the last decade or so.  But supporting their cause couldn’t be a bad thing.  I am just skeptical on what they can actually accomplish with a billboard.  Maybe they could raise enough money to hire someone to scream at Dolan every time he is in public like the heckler from Happy Gilmore.  Attacking a fan or making Dolan go insane could lead to him being forced to sell The Garden.  I am just spit balling here.  Tweet me @TheClemReport with the hashtag #MakeDolanSell or email me at if you can think of a better way that this money can be used and I will try to post the best ideas.


Finally, I received some more #EmailsToDolan yesterday.  Here were some of my favorites.


It may just be me, but I am a sucker for the short and sweet “Go Fuck Yourself.



Death by fire ants wasn’t even in the Top 3 most painful ways that Knicks fans wished James Dolan would die in these emails.  I am so proud of our fan base right now. 



Red Holzman allegedly using one of his last breaths to say “Jim Dolan is a cunt” is all you need to know about the difference between the Knicks’ glory days of the early-70’s and the Knicks kneeling at the glory-hole days that are here under Dolan. 



Creating a fake subject making Dolan think that you want to hire his shitty band while comparing him to ISIS and wishing him death by prison rape?  Yup, these are my readers.


Thanks again to everyone who submitted the emails.  If you still want to let Dolan know how you feel, send an email to and BCC me at  I’ll tweet out the best emails with the hashtag #EmailsToDolan.

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