I Can't Figure Out If This Teacher That Washed A Kid's Mouth Out With.....Hand Sanitizer....Is An Old-School Boomer Or A Snowflake Millennial

Oh sweet baby Jesus, what a glorious story to wake up to here on this fine Monday morning. An old school teacher that finally got fed up with this new age bullshit, and she decided to give these kids an extra large dose of the 1950s. Open wide buddy, you're about to get a big old bar of Irish Spring squirt of hand sanitizer on the roof of your mouth. Hey, it's 2020.....hand sanitizer is close enough. I haven't even seen a bar of soap since we cleaned out my grandpas house when he died. But anyways, this kind of story is one of my favorite types to circulate the internet, simply because of the clear and separate distinction between the two groups in the reply mentions.

In one corner, we have the Adam Schefter "Assault" association, hoping that this teacher gets put away for 25 to life.

And in the other corner, we have the "Back in my day" crowd, letting you know that this is exactly how their parents handled it back when you could smoke on airplanes, cars didn't even have seatbelts, and they gave lobotomies for mental health issues. 

If it's not broke, why fix it?

But alas, the official discipline has been handed down for this situation, and the punishment decided upon was 10 days without pay. My first question is why is the Palm Beach County Board of Education coming down harder than the commissioner of Major League Baseball? But my second question is honestly how in the world is this the official decision? I hate to be the big bad snowflake here, but isn't hand sanitizer pretty damn alcoholic? I understand this is practicing oral hygiene at it's finest, but at the end of the day, liquid hand sanitizer is 65% ethyl alcohol, making it 120 proof. Pink Whitney is like 60 proof. And this person just has to sit on the sidelines for 10 days and then get subbed right back in? I don't know, guys. This just seems like something people get fired for immediately, especially when their job is to deal with kids. Not sure she has the temperment for the job. Maybe some sensitivity training would help? That'll put some millenial back into her. Or else, next thing you know, she's going to be smacking kids' knuckles with a ruler when they don't say "good morning madam" when they walk in….

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