It's Official - HankApalooza Is Happening On June 13 At Estate Thanks To Tablelist


It’s official. The greatest event in the history of Boston is happening. I’m obviously talking about HankApalooza. AKA – Hank’s 21st birthday. The plan is starting to come together. Our new friends at Tablelist have us all set up at Estate. I’m talking Limos, red carpets, bottles everywhere. A celebration fit for a king. Two Man to the left, smokes to right. It’s going to be the social event of the year. The soiree that everybody will be talking about in 2014. Like where were you when Handsome Hank turned 21. That’s the question they’ll be asking years from now. HankApalooza is coming. Get ready.


PS – Oh hey I recognize all 3 chicks on the Tablelist website.   3 HOF smokes from days yore.  Just shows that Smokeshow of the Day is still the badge of honor for all smokes in Boston.

Kim  (left)

Yardan  (center)

McKensie (right)

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