I Miss Steve Irwin And How Much He Loved Living Life

Steve Irwin would have turned 58 years old today. I woke up to Bindi Irwin's tweet, which immediately turned me into a puddle. I don't think anyone in the history of the world loved their job and lifestyle more than Steve Irwin. He truly loved living life and never took any of it for granted. He had to have been one of the more universally loved people on the planet, right? I mean who in their right mind could hate Steve Irwin? No one, that's who. If you flipped on the Discovery channel and Irwin was on there doing something with crocodiles you had to drop everything you were doing or had planned and watch what was about to unfold. 

I don't think his This is SportsCenter commercial will ever be topped.  

This video of him being bitten by a snake on live TV and being as calm as ever still blows my mind. He asks the camera man to zoom in to see what he should do. Nothing could make this man afraid. 

I feel like a lot of people at Barstool have been fortunate enough to meet their idols and had the opportunity to do collab projects with them. Riggs, Trent, and Frankie with Tiger, Jared and Big Papi, Fran and Ria with the Jonas Brothers etc. etc. It really is a shame we never got a YP/Steve Irwin combo. I would have watched that a million times. Happy birthday to Steve Irwin, may he always rest in peace. 

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