Boston Institution Daisy Buchanan's Officially Set To Close After Red Sox Season


Bostonherald – Daisy Buchanan’s, a longtime Newbury Street watering hole popular with the city’s professional jocks, will close this fall following the sale of its building to a Boston real estate investment firm.Daisy’s owner Joe Cimino, who was staring down a foreclosure auction for the 240A Newbury Street building and the adjoining property at 41 Fairfield St., sold both to UrbanMeritage for $8.01 million and $6.55 million, respectively.“Daisy’s will close sometime shortly after the end of the Red Sox season — probably early late October, early November,” confirmed UrbanMeritage principal Michael Jammen yesterday.

And down goes a Boston institution. I’m trying to thing if there is any current bar in the city that has more history than Daisy’s? Probably not right? Sad day indeed. Feels like were losing a little piece of history.

PS – How did this place get foreclosured on? Seemed like a gold mind.  Is it because the upstairs restaraunt or whatever that place was always sucked?  I never understood why they didn’t just make the entire building the bar?  Or was it as simple giving too many free drinks to John Lacky, Josh Beckett and crew?  That could have been it I suppose.

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