Props to the Irish Bro Who Snuck Into The Super Bowl and Sat Next to Lawyer Milloy

Read Full Story At WaPo - “Our game plan was to be super confident,” Richard Whelan, who attended with friend Paul McEvoy, told RTE Radio One Morning Ireland (via the Independent). “We just thought if we pretend we belong there, nobody will question us.” Apparently, no one did. The two said they took advantage of the hullabaloo at one gate at the stadium, where they saw crowds of first aid workers entering. “Between one layer of security and another we just walked in behind these 20 first aid workers, straight up to the front door and hid in behind them,” Whelan said. Meanwhile, “Paul was looking at his phone, pretending to text me, as if we had just popped out to look at an email we got or something.” That was when they ran into a glorious stroke of luck — a man who presumably paid for his ticket told the pair that two women sitting by him in the fourth row would be permanently leaving in the second quarter so they could perform in the halftime show with Katy Perry. “So we ended up in the fourth row, sitting beside a former Super Bowl champion Lawyer Milloy who gave us a play-by-play of the game,” Richard said. “It was pretty cool to have the Super Bowl champion sharing all the details.”

We get stories like this every year and I love the fuck out of them. Nothing but props for these Irish guys. Confidence, a little luck, and a few heads up plays later, these guys were in the 4th row chillin with Lawyer Milloy. The thing that shocked me is they didn’t put on suits, they weren’t carrying any equipment, none of the bells and whistles. Just picked their spots and rolled with it. Sure, someone probably was dying which took all the attention so they could sneak in past the medics, but that’s circle of life shit. One person’s pain is another’s free 4th row Super Bowl tickets. Good for them, living the American dream.


PS: I was confused about Milloy wearing a Hawks hat until I looked it up and saw he grew up in Washington and went to UW.

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