How Many Games Should Michael Pineda Be Suspended For?

(Yeah it’s the camera’s fault Joe)

I’ve heard two things regarding how the league will deal with this lowlife fraud. I’ve heard this is an automatic 10 game suspension, but then Remy said it’s up to the league to decide the punishment. Whatever the case may be I think anything less than 20 games isn’t enough. It’s not just that Pineda cheated. It’s the fact that he cheats every single time he pitches. It’s the fact the Red Sox basically told him to be more discreet about it before the game. It’s that the Yankees have a long and storied history of endorsing cheaters. (Arod anybody?)  It’s the fact that Pineda basically took a bath in pine tar before the game. It’s the fact NY has no respect for the game of baseball. All those factors have to come into play here. You can’t let a guy just brazenly break the rules and  rub baseballs face in it. You might as well be spitting in America’s eyeball. All I can say is thank god for Gerry Davis. Not on Gerry’s watch you don’t. Not tonight.

Vote for how many games this cheating scumbag should be suspended for? 1 for 1 game and 10 for 10+


(693 votes, average: 8.47 out of 10)


Let em have it Gerry!

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