Amsterdam is Moving Its Red Light District Indoors

Source - Amsterdam is looking at moving part of its red light district indoors to an "erotic" complex where prostitutes no longer beckon customers through street-front windows that often attract rowdy tourists.

In plans released Wednesday, the Dutch city said the complex could include a bed and breakfast for prostitutes as well as a sex club, sex theatre and cafes.

Or the city famous for its canals will build a large hotel for sex workers.

"All in all, a prostitution hotel with indoor windows or an erotic centre is the most obvious choice," the Amsterdam city council said in a statement.

"These options have the most advantages and the fewest disadvantages," it said in the statement.

Amsterdam's mayor Femke Halsema has vowed to clean up the city's red light district as her staff complain that throngs of tourists, often drunk and rowdy, "disrespected both prostitutes and residents."

I try not to say this, but this story leaves me with no other choice: It's unbelievable how soft you Millennials are. 

You want to "OK, Boomer" me, go ahead. "OK, Boomer" me. But this is just another example of what delicate little snowflakes you've grown up to be. You with your mall culture. Going around from theater to shopping to food court in your little climate controlled protective bubble. What's next? You're going to hire a prostitute from out front of the Footlocker, get a blowie behind Hot Topic and then have a jumbo pretzel at Auntie Anne's?

When I was growing up, we liked being out in the elements at our red light districts. It made you feel alive. It was a shared experience. Sharing all four seasons with your fellow sex trade customers. When spring was in the air, the scent of fresh flowers and blossoming trees mixed with the smells of vomit and sadness. The warm breezes of a summer night blowing the clove cigarette smoke into your eyes. Autumn's harvest moon reflected in the red leather of a dominatrix's corset. I wouldn't trade one second of that feeling of window shopping the sex workers while the first snowflakes of the holiday season filled the air for all the indoor red light district experiences in the world. These are a few of MY favorite things.

So you can have your Hooker Mall or whatever they're going to call this thing. Call me old fashioned, call me what you will. But back in my day we enjoyed hiring desperate strangers to have sex with us in the great outdoors, as our maker intended.

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