Rex Ryan Too Scared To Guarantee A Super Bowl At His Introductory Press Conference


Pussssy! Puuuuuussssssy!

Awful sign for Bills Mafia. This is example 1A) that you’ve got skinny scared Rex. What you want is fat dumb cocky Rex. What Rex brings to the table is arrogance and swagger and charisma and personality. He aint a great Xs and Os guy. If he’s gonna be the timid, controlled head coach, you end up with the Jets from 2011-2014. And whats the point of that? You want 2009-2010 Rex. Making waves and inspiring confidence. Rallying the fan base and getting his players to run through a brick wall for him. Unafraid and not a care in the world for what people said or thought about him.

You want the real Rex Ryan. Not the Pursuit of Rex Ryan. Tiger cant change its stripes and Rex Ryan half measures aint gonna get it done. Good luck, Buffalo. You’re gonna need it.

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