Gil From Hoboken With Maybe The Worst Call And T Shirt Idea In The History Of Boomer And Carton

Well that was undoubtedly the single most ridiculous moment in Boomer and Carton history. Gil From Hoboken put the entire country’s mind in a pretzel. 99 million homes watching Boomer and Carton all collectively went “Complete the F word? Blank blank blank ish?” To be honest I still dont really get it. Complete The Fucking Finish? Complete the Fucking F_ _ _ ish? Complete The F_ _ _ing Finish? I understand he’s trying to arrive at some sort of slogan about completing the finish but I dont really think I understand the execution. But what do I know! Gil From Hoboken is an ideas man. An entrepreneur. Just because his slogan is over my head doesnt mean its not a winner. I mean he even went through a year long process with the US Patent Office and spent $6,000 to get it trademarked. Unfortunate for me because that means I can’t sell it. If another person copyrights their idea then its off limi..PSYCHE! Complete The F Word Blank Blank Blank Ish shirts now on sale!


You snooze you lose, Gil! Barstool has never worried about copyright infringement and we certainly arent going to worry about it now with this GOLD MINE. Cant let the Complete The Fucking F Word Blanking-ish Finish shirt craze go by without Barstool getting a piece of the pie. Next time you might wanna complete the fucking finish on selling your t shirts so that some smut blog doesnt completely blank you over.

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