I've Posted Terrible Beats Before But I'm Not Sure Any Will Ever Top This One

Wait I'm sorry....WHAT DID I JUST SEE?

I think I've blogged "this is the worst beat I've ever seen" before...but this might really, REALLY be it. Quad 9s being the 3rd best hand at showdown is preposterous. I've never seen a screenshot of an online hand ending like this, a live hand, a home game hand, or anything not in the movies. You would see this in Casino Royale and be like nope, this is stupid. But this happened in real life, with an $18,000 Bad Beat Jackpot on the line.

(What is a bad beat jackpot? It's an accumulating jackpot promotion run in most card rooms where the winner of the BBJ is the loser of a huge hand. Each casino has their own qualifiers for the bad beat jackpot, but it's often "quad tens beaten by better", meaning your quad tens (or better) have to get beaten by a better hand such as higher quads or a straight flush, for example. Often times the BBJ is split where as the loser of the hand gets 50% of the jackpot, the winner of the hand gets 25% of the jackpot, and the other players at the table split the remaining 25%. The BBJ often gets humongous, because well, the chances quad tens are made, and then beaten by a better hand, are very low. In the case of this particular casino, their qualifier included quad 9's, but I cannot find exactly how low it goes. It very well could be any quads beaten by quads or better which explains why it was only $18,000 at the time.)

So what happens when you have 2 bad beats in one? Well unfortunately for quad 9's, he got bad beated out of the bad beat jackpot. Since the quad 10's losing was technically the worst beat, that player took home $9,000, the KQdd pocketed $4,500, and the poor soul with quad 9's is left splitting the rest with the guys who were dealt 72o, taking home a sad $665. 

Even Mike Matusow couldn't believe his eyes, and this man has seen it all:

Just goes to show that this is the sickest game sometimes, and why I love it. We'll talk about this and some personal bad beat stories on the new episode of Cracking Aces dropping Wednesday night/Thursday morning. We also have now moved to 2 episodes a week, so there's a new one out now! 

On Thursday's episode I am honored to say we will talk to Money Metal Cakes from the Sports Junkies who just finished in 11th place at the Potomac Poker Open Main Event for $13k. I've been listening to Cakes on the radio since I was in middle school and now he's going to come on my podcast to talk poker, which is just wild to me. So please subscribe to have it when it drops, I'm very excited for this one.



PS: I will also be at Chance For Life at MGM in DC this coming up weekend. It's a huge charity event to raise money for pediatric cancer, so hopefully I see some of you there. More info about CFL here:

PS: This is always a fun one to share. 

The guy with quad aces going "GAMBLEEEEEE" and toppling his stack over only to be called by a royal, meanwhile Ray freaking Romano is at the table is all just so perfect.

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