Brandon Spikes Says He Spent 4 Years As A Slave In New England And Can't Wait For The Bills To Crush The Pats (Twice)



Hey newsflash Brandon Spikes.  Nobody around here cares about you.   You are an average linebacker at best.   You’re probably going to be a journeyman NFL player.   Not bad.  Not great.   The most famous moment of your career will be that porno video you made getting your dick sucked at Florida.   So I don’t know where all this anger is coming from, but Pats fans don’t hate you.  We just really don’t give a shit one way or the other.   Maybe it would be different if you went to Denver but Buffalo?  You’re talking shit from Buffalo?   Might as well be in Siberia.   Seriously we don’t have time for this shit.  We’re trying to win Superbowls over here.   Can’t worry about getting chirped from the cheap seats.  So my advice is move on buddy.   You’re blah.

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