The CEO Of Genesis Was About To Burst Outta His Shirt While Talking To Jim Nantz

Whoa look out for Mr. Muscles! Dude is bout to burst right outta that shirt! I was actually worried for Jim Nantz's safety in that moment. I feared that a button was gonna come flying off Mark Del Russo's shirt and blind poor Jim. The segment where Nantz interviews CEOs is always strange because it's more than likely the person's first time on TV but this one was particularly eventful because the CEO was on the verge of turning into the Incredible Hulk right in front of our very eyes. CBS zooming in the camera so you couldn't see the shirt was laugh out loud funny. It made it look like a scene out of a a romantic comedy where the guy and the girl are finally about to  kiss for the first time. I thought Mark and Jim were gonna smooch for sure.

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