Melo Raising The Bar Once Again With His Post Game Hat

Previously, on “Carmelo Anthony Dresses Like An Asshole”:

The M. Bison


The Uncle Sam


The Indiana Jones


The Monopoly Man


The Floppy Sunflower


And now, introducing, the 1990’s Undertaker:

At least the stat line graphic this time looks a little better this time around. But the result was the same thing yet again – another L for the Knicks. 5-21. We’ve reached the point where I was just happy they took the Toronto Raptors to overtime, which is maybe the most pathetic feeling a fan can have. Oh wait, check that, they’re just a game and a half ahead of the Philadelphia 76ers who are purposely trying to lose every night. Thats the most pathetic feeling you can have.

At least we have fancy hats though.

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