A-Rod Dominated Dream Downtown This Weekend

NY Post - Alex Rodriguez made some surprising music choices at Electric Room at the Dream Downtown Saturday.

The Yankee slugger requested that DJ Cash play tunes by decidedly non-club artists Billy Joel and John Mellencamp.

“It was amazing,” commented one partygoer, “and the DJ actually played them!”

A-Rod was back in town after being spotted at Aby Rosen’s exclusive Art Basel Miamidinner, rubbing elbows with Leo DiCaprio, Peter Brant, Klaus Biesenbach and Vito Schnabel.

Power move right here by A-Rod to let everyone know that he is back and in control. A few days ago we heard that he taped some of his workouts and showed them to Girardi and Cashman, then they said they were happy with what they saw, so he’s letting loose. What better way to let loose than by grooving to the hits?

I know we have a lot of younger readers, and I don’t want to sound old, but most music now sounds like 2 Transformers fucking each other. Alex is a man who needs music with a message, songs about love, songs from a time before everyone hated him, and I can’t blame him.

In all seriousness, do you think the DJ just played this stuff so Alex didn’t piss on his turntables? That has to be a big worry for everyone who interacts with him now. You cross A-Rod, your stuff might get pissed on. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape and don’t spit into the wind, type of shit going on around him now.

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