This Is Arguably The Saddest Story I've Ever Posted: One Last Mock Search Held For Dog Who Was Part of Canine Rescue Team Before Being Euthanized


Click for the Video if You Feel Like Crying Your Face Off


HOPKINTON, Mass. A member of the Massachusetts Canine Rescue Team diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer is being euthanized Wednesday, but the dog got to complete one last search with her team. Machiko, a 5-year-old black Lab, was diagnosed with bone cancer three weeks ago and is currently only walking on three legs. As a final goodbye to Machiko, who also goes by Mishi, the rescue team conducted a mock search inside Hopkinton State Park Tuesday evening. “She’s my partner, she’s my friend, and she’s a family member,” Mishi’s handler Russ Doucette said.More than a dozen volunteers and friends came to see the dog’s final search. It was an emotional evening for those who have spent years training Mishi.

I wrote this blog at 1am last night. I honestly started crying before I even started watching the video. Like just reading the first sentence made me cry. So you can imagine how bad it was when I actually pressed play. Probably one of the most heartwrenching videos I’ve ever watched. I literally sat alone in my office bawling my face off. Just another shining example of the bond between man and dog. If you’ve never had a dog you can never understand it.   And if you’ve never had a dog your really haven’t lived. I know I’ve said it before but this is yet another example of that old quote. “Dogs lives are too short, that’s really their only fault.”

Cue the Cry Selfie…NAILED IT!


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