High School Sign Language Teacher In Trouble For Playing "Dirty Sign" Game


Greece, N.Y. – The Greece Central School District is investigating one of their teachers after an offensive picture showed up on social media. The picture allegedly shows a teacher using offensive language during class. The teacher involved has since been placed at an alternate, non-teaching assignment, pending the investigation. The Greece Central School District released a statement saying, “


What type of asshole kid narc’s on the sign language teacher? She’s just trying to spice shit up. Keep it interesting. Like it’s a known fact high school kids don’t pay attention to anything in school nevermind sign language class. So you got to keep it fresh. And what better way to do that than then mixing in a little cocksucker signing every now and again. Play a little dirty charades. No brainer city. We need more teachers like this not less.

PS – Since when is sign language even a real class in high school?  Never heard of that.

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