High School Kid Suspended For Three Days For Asking Miss America To Prom


Fox – A Pennsylvania high school student is in hot water for asking Miss America to prom during a question and answer session at school. Eighteen-year-old Patrick Farves said he received three days of in-school suspension Thursday because he asked Nina Davuluri to prom. The senior at Central York High School stood up and popped the prom question, then walked to the stage with a plastic flower. Davuluri just laughed and the students cheered. “She just kind of laughed and I gave her the little flower I got,” Farves told Fox43.com. “And I went up and I gave her the flower and asked her if I could get a selfie with her. And she was like maybe later, and I never got the selfie,” Farves said. School officials heard about Farves’ plan in advance and warned him not to do it. He has apologized for disrupting the event. The school says students are disciplined for breaking rules and this incident is no different. The district told Fox43.com that is is not a practice to discipline a student for asking someone to a dance, but administrators work to “ensure rules are followed without our schools.” For now, Farves still hasn’t settled on a date. “For prom I’m probably just, I don’t know, I might go alone,” Farves told Fox43.com.

So many points to be made from this fairly simple article. First point is obviously this kid did the right thing. Who in the hell is the school administration to tell this kid he can’t ask Miss America to prom? When will he ever get the chance to ask Miss America to prom ever again? Furthermore, it shows he has confidence, which is what the school should be supportive of. I can’t believe they’d tell a kid not to do this. I’m so glad this kid gave the school the double freedom fingers and went ahead with it anyway. It’s sort of like the high school equivalent of skipping work to go watch hockey in a bar on a Friday afternoon. When you look back on it in 10 years, are you going to care? Oh no, he got 3 days of in-school suspension because the school administrator had a vagina full of sand. But he also asked Miss America to prom and made every girl in the auditorium wet at the same time. So even though she said no, he has about a million other potential dates now. And he sneaky slips in at the last moment that he might “go alone” to prom. Well obviously. Why would he want a date now? There’s going to be a line out the door to get a grind sesh with Casanova here. I didn’t know you could win prom until this kid showed up and won Prom.

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