Embrace Debate: Am I The Best Tornado Drinker At Barstool?

Personally, I'm declaring myself the best. The only other person with the chutzpah to try so far was Donnie when he met my brother from another mother Pangzai in China. (check the 8:00 mark).

While Donnie gave a great effort, I think I take the cake here. Probably due to me and Pangzai's spiritual connection despite him being born a blue-collar badass and me being born an internet-addicted puss bag. Anyway, this actually isn't about me, it's about Zillion Beers. Go buy some merch so Dana can afford a dinner table. Bitch all you want talking about other beer meme accounts, but Dana is really about this life. Authenticity is what it's all about, and he is an actual degenerate scumbag like us and not some anonymous weirdo doing it solely for clout. 


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