King Philip Lunch Lady Arrested After She Threatened To Bring In An AK-47 And Shoot Up The School





School shootings are never something to joke about and certainly they’re never OK. But, if anyone was ever going to get a pass, it would be a lunch lady, wouldn’t it? I’m not condoning it, but if a lunch lady ever shot up a school I’d kind of just be like, “Yeah, I get that.” Being a lunch lady at a public high school is one of the all-time worse jobs. You know how they say being a waitress sucks? Well being a lunch lady is like being a waitress at the worst restaurant in the world, and you don’t get tips. Your work environment is noisy and it smells like shit. You’ve got to deal with snot-nosed kids making fun of you every day and singing “The Lunch Lady Song” behind your back. No one on planet earth respects you, the gym teacher thinks you’re a joke. So I kind of get wanting to bring an AK to work and light the place up. Again, I don’t condone it, but I do get it.

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