Some Genius Asshole Wheeled Around 99 Phones With The Google Maps App Opened So He Could Create Fake Traffic Jams


Technology is not always foolproof and that’s exactly what a new Google Maps experiment tried to prove. Artist Simon Weckert has posted a video on YouTube showing how he managed to “hack” Google Maps to create virtual traffic jams on the streets of Berlin.

For his experiment, Weckert loaded 99 smartphones running Google Maps into a cart. He then had someone wheel that cart around various streets in Berlin, including outside the Google office.

The phones apparently fooled Google Maps into thinking that there was a high concentration of users on those streets. Because the phones were in a cart, Maps was further tricked into believing that the traffic was slow-moving. As a result, the navigation app started showing virtual traffic jams by turning green streets to red. You can watch the video below to see the trick in action.

Simon Weckert has answered the age old question of how to beat traffic. You create the traffic. You become the traffic. Simon Weckert is an agent of chaos. This man may very well just want the world to burn. He's smarter than every single one of us and I don't like it. 

This guy walked around Berlin with a wheel barrel full of phones that all had the Google Maps app open. He tricked Google Maps into thinking there was a giant traffic jam wherever he decided to stroll to. Just a one man traffic jam. What an asshole. A genius asshole. I fear a terrorist organization is going to kidnap this man and use him for their evil plans. You can do some crazy shit by manipulating traffic like this. I mean what if there was an ambulance rushing to the hospital and they saw this road was all blocked up and it made them take a completely different rout. That's evil. 

This reminds of when Jesse Eisenberg hacked the Harvard network for FaceSmash and thought he deserved recognition for proving the security wasn't safe. Google HQ should be scrambling right now trying to figure out how this happened. 

Keep the name Simon Weckert in the back of your head. This guy has a dangerous brain. If the CIA is smart they'd hire him to just to keep him under control. Can't have another agency scoop him up. 

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