200 Huge Steps Backwards


“You watch football, it happens to every quarterback. As far as a step back, there’s no step back in any direction” – Geno Smith

Really though dude? Does it happen to every quarterback? Yes, of course every quarterback throws picks and makes mistakes. Nobody’s perfect. But don’t put up that dogshit performance and then come at us with that post game quote. What happened out there last night does not happen to every quarterback. At least not capable ones. An atrocious pick 6 before you could even blink, on a pass that made absolutely no sense. A red zone interception that was thrown off balance, in the air, lofted up for grabs. Countless bad passes. Poor decision making. And bottom line is they went 1-6 in the red zone. 1 for 6! Trying to say you havent taken a step back and that this happens to everybody is a goddam joke.

Dont get me wrong, this was a full team loss. Muffed punts, busted coverage, dropped passes, some horrendous play calling. Some shitty officiating but that went both ways so thats not an excuse. The secondary was an absolute nightmare when it mattered most. The D line did all they could but at some point you can’t expect them to not get worn down. They came out flat as fuck in the second half and let the Bears march right down for a score. That was almost as demoralizing as the opening “drive” by Geno. I don’t blame Rex blitzing his dick off – thats honestly the only option for this team with the defensive backs they trot out there. You let these premier quarterbacks sit back with time and they’ll pick apart all those bums in the secondary. When you jailbreak blitz and get burned a several times, it can look silly but the reality of the matter is Rex doesn’t have much of a choice.

But the point is, despite it all – despite turnovers on special teams, the blown offensive PI call by the refs, the major blown call on the fumble returned for a TD, Antonio Allen dropping that pick, Morninhwhiwheg with some cutesy bullshit play calling going away from Ivory (I was 100% expecting a sideline report that he had a possible concussion after getting his bell rung. Did I miss that? Or did they really just stop giving him the ball after he had been pounding through all night long), some dropped passes from Amaro and company – the Jets were still in the red zone 500 times and easily could have won that game. Their quarterback couldnt get it done.

You can’t be a second year guy with hopes of being a real, franchise quarterback and still be the reason you’re losing game. Nobody expects him to be Peyton Manning out there but when you’re the main roadblock between winning and losing thats a problem. And for the Vick crowd, he ain’t the answer. The truth of the matter is we probably dont have the answer on this current roster. Lions Chargers Pats Broncos on the horizon, this could get ugly.

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