Hilarious Ending To Illinois/Iowa ...WE GOT OURSELVES A COACH FIGHT!

Hell yeah! The only thing missing from Iowa/Illinois was a truly pissed off Fran. This game needed a little scuffle after the game, which was absolutely awesome. You had a back and forth. You had Luka Garza drilling dagger threes and talking shit. You had Iowa running dunk plays to push the lead to 10 - nothing wrong with it since Illinois was pressing. But then Illinois called timeout with 4 seconds to go and I'm guessing this is what triggered it all. You have Fran and an Illinois assistant coach talking shit with Fran giving a 'fuck outta here.' 

And you know what? I fucking love it. Give me this all the time. These are two of the best teams in the conference. I want these dudes talking shit. I want the coaching staff pissed off. Sports are competitive and that's how I want it to be. Plus, it's going to make the game to end the regular season between the two even better.

Let's be honest. The fact Fran is involved here is the least shocking thing ever. Everyone on Twitter is already doing 'Fran being Fran.' The guy is a wildcard during games. Sometimes you're going to get a little coach fight. 

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