The Lakers Tribute To Kobe Bryant Was Beautiful

It’s been an extremely emotional week for everyone. With the Lakers finally returning to action tonight the focus became about honoring a legend and all those who lost their lives and that’s exactly what happened. Maybe it’s just me but while watching that beautiful tribute things still didn’t seem real. I’m not sure if it ever will. All the emotions from the week came rushing back. The clip where Kobe is grinning ear to ear because Gigi was dominating on the court? Water works everywhere. Every intro being Kobe was awesome.

It’s going to take time for the world to heal and mourn this tragic loss and that’s OK. Life will go on eventually. Few humans on the planet made the sort of impact Kobe did and his legacy will live on for the rest of time. Tonight was a tribute no one could ever be prepared to have, and the Lakers nailed it.

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