Introducing Jonah Hill’s Girlfriend – Isabelle McNally



I’ll admit it.  I’ve always been oddly fascinated with who Jonah Hill and Seth Rogan are dating. Why?  Well isn’t it obvious.  They are both ugly funny jewish rich people.   (I’m not sure Jonah Hill is even jewish but I just assume he is)   Anyway I’m better looking than both these guys, but both these guys destroy me in the fame and fortune department.  So I’ve always rooted for them to have smoking hot girlfriends because if they can’t smash supermodels then there is literally no hope for a guy like me.  It doesn’t matter if Barstool becomes the next Facebook.  And really isn’t that’s the only reason it matters to be rich and famous?  So you can hook up with chicks outside your normal paygrade right?   So overall I’m happy to see Jonah Hill finally getting some quality snatch.  Makes me feel better than last time I saw him swimming with his shirt on in the ocean.  Gives common people a shred of hope.

PS – Here is Seth Rogan’s wife.  I respect the choice.  She’s definitely way better looking than he is, but not enough for people to be like she only married him because he’s him.    It’s believable.  And there is a big difference between dating a hot chick and marrying a hot chick.  Like I don’t care if I date a chick 1 bizillion times hotter than me and everybody is snickering behind my back.  I don’t care if she cheats on me.  Who gives a fuck as long as you’re getting laid.  But marrying somebody like that is rough knowing she’s just in it for the cash and is fucking the pool boy behind your back.  That’s why Rogan made a decent choice.



Double PS – Bloodbath city.  Somebody put Jonah Hill in a bodybag!

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