Dalai Lama Says He's The Greatest Dalai Lama Of All Time And They Shouldn't Replace Him When He's Gone

The WireThe Dalai Lama has said he may be the last Dalai Lama, and that he will not reincarnate inside Tibet if it is still under Chinese control. The Chinese government is not amused. In an interview on Sunday, the 14th Dalai Lama (born Tenzin Gyatso) was quoted by the German paper Die Welt as saying that perhaps it’s best for the Dalai Lama to go out with a bang rather than a whimper. “We had a Dalai Lama for almost five centuries. The 14th Dalai Lama now is very popular. Let us then finish with a popular Dalai Lama.” This quote was quickly picked up by papers around the world (though it’s worth noting the Dalai Lama’s camp says his quote was taken out of context. The official in Dharamsala says the Tibetan spiritual leader went on to say the ultimate decision on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama should continue or cease to exist will be up to the Tibetan people.)  In a statement to the press, Chinese government spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: “The title of Dalai Lama is conferred by the central government, which has hundreds of years of history. The (present) 14th Dalai Lama has ulterior motives, and is seeking to distort and negate history, which is damaging to the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism.” In other words, there will be 15th Dalai Lama, and there’s nothing the 14th Dalai Lama can do about it.

The Dalai fucking Lama just getting real, real COCKY with it. Wants to just drop the mic and walk out like the Greatest of All Time. Go out on top like Seinfeld or Mariano Rivera. Talking in the 3rd person like Jimmy. “The Dalai Lama is real popular. The people like the Dalai Lama. We don’t need another Dalai Lama.” You gotta respect that. Like imagine if this year’s Miss America was so fucking hot they were just like “Thats it. Thats the last Miss America. She’s the best of all time you can’t top her.” Thats what the Dalai Lama is saying they should do with him. Im the most popular ever. The 14th and Last Lama. Cuncel the Lama and retire the title because it wont get any better.

Makes you wonder if The Dalai Lama will get a farewell tour. Just like Jeets and Mo got. Just touring the planet meeting with world leaders doing whatever the fuck it is that the Dalai Lama does getting all sorts of gifts until he kicks the bucket. What the fuck would you even give the Lama? And not just any Lama, the GOAT Lama. I mean we all know what he really wants is probably a beer and a tug job but you’d probably have to give him like a new toga to meditate in. If there’s any justice the Lama should get reincarnated as some smokeshow’s thong. Just reward him for being the most popular Lama ever and living such a BORING ass life with more pussy than any of us will ever see.

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