The South Shore Comes Out to Honor Sgt. Danny Vasselian

To add to what Dave posted earlier about the services for Sgt Danny Vasselian: There was a movement this week, conducted on social media and led by the Abington Fire and Police Departments for people to come out and line the motorcade route.  And I’m happy and proud to report it was a great success.  In spite of the cold and wind, a huge crowd turned out for what was a solemn and fitting tribute to a man who gave his country, in Lincoln’s words, the last full measure of devotion.  I can tell you first hand it was a very touching and heartfelt moment.  Families.  People with babies in strollers bundled against the cold.  Older guys in Marine jackets and hats.  Virtually everyone clutching US flags in their hands.  And not a sound besides the hum of the motorcycles in the procession and the drone of the news helicopters hovering overhead.  And the sight of the sergeant’s family responding by waving Old Glory out the window of the limo is one we won’t soon forget.

Here’s hoping the community support helps the Vasselians as they’ve (Lincoln again) laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom.  And that their sacrifice is rewarded with the repose of his soul, comfort to his loved ones, and a 2014 where the people who give so much to defend us are kept safe from harm.  God bless.  @JerryThornton1

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