And In the Least Shocking News Ever: Police Arrest An Asian Kid From Harvard For Calling In the Fake Bomb Threat To Get Out of Finals


BOSTON (CBS)A Harvard student has been charged in connection with Monday’s bomb threats which shut down four Harvard buildings and canceled finals for many students. The U.S. Attorney’s office says Eldo Kim, 20, of Cambridge, emailed several bomb threats to offices associated with Harvard University, including the Harvard University Police Department and the Harvard Crimson, the student-run daily newspaper.According to the complaint, two officials of Harvard University, and the president of the Harvard Crimson, received identical anonymous email messages bearing a “subject” line that read “bombs placed around campus.”The complaint alleges that the bomb threats specified four buildings on the Harvard campus – the Science Center, Sever Hall, Emerson Hall, and Thayer Hall. In the email, Kim allegedly wrote: “shrapnel bombs placed in science center, sever hall, emerson hall, thayer hall, 2/4. guess correctly. be quick for they will go off soon.”Kim was scheduled to take a final exam at 9 a.m. in Emerson Hall. According to investigators, when he heard the alarms go off, “he knew his plan had worked.”

Honestly I can’t decide who is dumber here? This kid for thinking this plan would work and his email couldn’t be traced or Harvard for even responding to this. Like yeah I know we have to take all bomb threats seriously in light of recent events around here, but seriously? I mean terrorists don’t blow up 4 random Harvard buildings on the morning of finals. They just don’t. This had Asian kid who forgot to study for Finals Fake Bomb Threat written all over it. And this isn’t me Monday Morning QB’ing either. I said it the second I heard about it. Hey Eldo Kim. Be better than this.  Respect the game playa.

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