Gordon Bombay--The Most Misunderstood Coach Of All Time--Is Coming Back For The New Mighty Ducks Series

Illuminerdi - We have exclusively learned that original Mighty Ducks star Emilio Estevez is set to return as Coach Gordon Bombay in the ten-episode, half-hour series. Estevez is one of the series leads, so his role is no mere cameo.
Estevez starred in Both The Mighty Ducks and its sequel D2: The Mighty Ducks. He also appeared in the franchise’s third outing, D3: The Mighty Ducks, but due to scheduling conflicts, his role had to be reduced to a cameo. So it is good to see that he his returning to a starring role. As of now, it is unknown if any other actors from the original films will also return for the series.
Over the years, one of the most troubling things I've seen is a large contingency of Mighty Ducks fans questioning the tactics and the character of Gordon Bombay. It even went so far as to Chief calling him "the most overrated coach in sports history".
Uhhhh hey, Chief, ya big dummy. If Gordon Bombay was such an overrated coach then how come he did nothing but rack up championship after championship? He won the Minnesota state peewee hockey championship and immediately followed that up by winning gold at the Junior Goodwill games. I'm not sure when winning ring after ring made you overrated but I guess that would make his beloved Coach Quenneville pretty overrated as well.
Gordon Bombay is the furthest thing from the most overrated coach in sports history and his track record speaks for itself. But if we want to talk about how misunderstood Gordon Bombay was? Well that's a conversation that I'm willing to have because I find it hard to believe that anybody could possibly be more misunderstood than the Minnesota Miracle Man.
First let's start off with the first time that Gordon Bombay meets the District 5 Ducks. Many people argue that a drunk lawyer who was court ordered to coach a bunch of little kids as community service shouldn't be taking them for a limo ride out on a frozen pond. But this was the first, and maybe the most important, lesson that Gordon Bombay would bestow upon these kids. He taught them right then and there to always trust one another. To know that where one duck flies, the rest will follow. Ducks fly together, but only if they trust each other. Do you actually think that Gordon Bombay would risk sinking a bunch of little kids into a frozen pond getting added on to his already established criminal record? For sure not. This was all just a way to teach them an invaluable lesson.
Then we can jump around a little bit to when Bombay ends up getting Adam Banks to the Ducks. Was the main objective to bolster the Ducks' lineup with the best player in the league? Definitely. But again, there was a lesson to be learned here which is that rules are meant to be followed. You can't have a team like the Hawks working with the league to break the rules just to continue their dynasty. Rules are there for a reason, the Hawks were breaking them, and Gordon Bombay was there to teach everybody about right vs wrong.
Or how about when Gordon Bombay was plowing Charlie's mom? Well...well I'm not entirely sure if there was actually a lesson to be learned there and maybe he was just super horny. But still. Charlie saw a father figure in Gordon Bombay and Gordon just wanted to make sure he got the full experience. So he crushed his mom a few times and made sure to at least stick around for dinner.
Then we get to D2. A lot of people are going to crucify Gordon Bombay for getting swept up by the bright lights and fast times of the Hollywood lifestyle. A lot of people are going to crucify Gordon Bombay for going out to get ice cream with the Team Iceland trainer (definitely added another kill to the count there, too). But this was just Gordon Bombay doing what needed to be done to rally his team together. He needed to get this team to rally together and the most effective way of accomplishing that is if they all rallied together in their hatred towards Bombay. Pretty much the same thing that Herb Brooks did with the 1980 team. Is anyone here calling Herb Brooks overrated? Didn't think so. And clearly it worked with Team USA taking down Iceland in the gold medal game.
And then finally, Gordon Bombay got all these fucking idiot kids into a prestigious boarding school. You really think some jackass like Goldberg would be able to get into Eden Hall without Bombay? Not a chance. But he got all of them into a great school where they'd get a great education, have great high school hockey careers, and most likely move on to the next level. Gordon Bombay didn't have to do any of that, but that's just the type of guy he was. He wanted these kids to be winners on the ice as well as off the ice. And he also wanted to bang some of the moms in the process, sue him.
Gordon Bombay is an all-time legend and it's about damn time he gets the respect he deserves. I simply will not allow any more Bombay slander to go on. I just hope Disney+ has the balls to give us a few steamy scenes when he's taking one of the moms back home after the end-of-the-year banquet.
Ducks Fly Together.