50 Year Old Dude Posting "Looking For A Girlfriend" Posters All Over NYC

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — You can try the bar or maybe online but anyway you do it, finding the right person can be difficult. So one New Yorker is trying something different, using an unconventional method of looking for love, CBS 2’s Tracee Carrasco reported Friday. Dan Perino is on a mission. He’s looking for a girlfriend in a non-traditional way, plastering posters all over Manhattan. “I’m not desperate. This is a better way to meet women. I want to find a more meaningful relationship,” Perino said. Sick of the singles scene, the 50-year-old is taking his search seriously. He started putting the fliers up and in just hours he said he received more than 100 calls — some genuinely interested, others thinking it’s a joke. He said he already has one date set up. “I’m looking for an average woman that likes to do the same things that I do,” Perino said. Perino plans to put up 500 fliers every day for the next 30 days, but some said they are a little skeptical about his approach. “I’m not looking for nobody. It’ll come. True love will find you,” said Yusef Elliot of the Lower East Side. “I think it’s kind of weird, and a little scary. I wouldn’t date him,” one woman added. But Perino said he remains confident. He said he’ll soon be off the market. “Within a week, I’ll have a girlfriend,” he said.

Cant knock the hustle! Tell me my friends – how is this any different than having a Tinder profile or an online dating account? How is this any different than showing up to a bar solo clearly on the prowl looking for women? Its not. Its just a more old school, direct approach. The name of the game for dudes is just casting out as many lines as you can. Its a numbers game and the more chicks you reach, the better chance you find of one willing to fuck you consistently. So Dan Perino here is just casting a huge net. Not only is he out there trying to land chicks, but every single pole on every street corner is doing work for him too. When Dan is home asleep, those poles are out there trying to land chicks. When Dan Perino is at work, those poles are enticing women to call him. When Dan Perino is in his dungeon busy making a skin suit, there are some women out there pulling his number off that flyer. Its just like billboard advertising for your dick.

And you gotta love the confidence. Guaranteeing success within a week. That type of swagger alone is enough to make the chicks wet. Fishing with dynamite right now, Danny Boy.

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