School Administrators Suspend Six Year Old For Sexual Harrassment For Kissing A Girl on the Hand

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CANON CITY, Colo.A six year old boy is suspended from school in Canon City for kissing a classmate on the cheek. His mother says it’s a crush and the two children like each other. But the school is calling it something else; sexual harassment. First grader, Hunter Yelton, told us he loves science and phys-ed. Also…that he has a crush on a girl at school, who likes him back.It may sound innocent enough…but at six years old Hunter now has ‘sexual harassment’ on his school record. “It was during class yeah. We were doing reading group and I leaned over and kissed her on the hand. That’s what happened,” said Hunter Yelton. “They sent me to the office, fair and square. I did something wrong and I feel sorry,” he said. Report Bonnie Silkman asks Hunter, “Are you trying to be good at school? Hunter replies, “Yes…I have a lot of energy. I mean six year olds. They have a lot of energy.”


I don’t like this kid. There I said it. He just bothers me. Like what type of six year old says this…

“Yes…I have a lot of engery. I mean six year olds. They have a lot of energy”

That sounds scripted. You’re not fooling me kid. Having said that the school can calm down. Bro kissed this chick on her hand. Now maybe it would be a different story if the girl complained but it sounds like she liked it. Wants that D. So what’s the big deal? Classic school administrators over reacting. Like I can understand maybe putting him in time out or something, but putting putting Sexual Harassment on his school record? Bizarro world stuff.

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