Worst Friends Ever Try And Convince Their Buddy He's Been In A Coma For 10 Years When He Passes Out Drunk




Talk about an asshole move from your buddies there, totally taking advantage of a guy in his most vulnerable state. Just regularly fucking with someone who’s hungover is the lowest thing a human being can do. But convincing the guy he’s been out for 10 years? Real asshole shit. Because anyone who’s woken up after a few too many knows that there’s a 100% he believed them. If I’m coming out of a daze like that I’ll believe any and everything you tell me I did the night before, even that the night in question was 10 years ago.


But, you know what the best part of this is? That the guy didn’t give a fuck. Like you thought that video was going to end with it finally sinking in and the guy getting the message? Couldn’t be more wrong. He thought it was hysterical. Classic prank guys, now let’s go grab a beer.

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