A Brazil Fan Dropped Dead From A Heart Attack During Yesterday's Penalty Kicks


Daily Mail- A 69-year-old football fan suffered a heart attack and died during Brazil’s tense penalty shootout against Chile. The man was watching the end of the World Cup game at a bar inside the 62,000-seater Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte last night when he complained of feeling unwell.  He was taken to a hospital south of the city centre but died a short time later. The host nation missed two penalties after Chile had already missed two, leading to a sudden death situation. Then, former West Brom defender Gonzalo Jara hit the post for Chile, which handed Brazil the victory and sent fans mad.


Only one?  Really?  I’m shocked by that.  Really shocked.  I figured that number would be about a million times higher.  I pictured people dropping dead in the streets from heart attacks every other second as Brazil faced off against Chile in penalty kicks.  I mean come on, their goalie was crying BEFORE the PKs because he knew how big of a moment it was and the pressure he was under.  When does that ever happen?  If Brazil had lost yesterday that entire country burns to the ground.  That’s a lot of pressure on players and fans.  My palms were sweaty from nervousness during the penalty kicks and I’ve cared about soccer for all of 15 seconds.  People in Brazil, soccer is their life.  They live and (literally) die with soccer and yesterday was about as intense as it gets.  I’m not saying I wanted more people to die from their hearts exploding.  I’m just saying we always hear about how passionate non-USA soccer fans are and I figured we’d be reading about triple digit death tolls because of the bat shit craziness of yesterday’s game.  That’s all.  Step up the exploding hearts next time. 


PS- No fucking way this shot right here didn’t kill half the country.  The only explanation is that the deaths just haven’t been reported yet.  


Double PS- If Team USA gets into a situation even remotely like the Brazil/Chile one against Belgium on Tuesday, I’ll be the one having a heart attack.

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