There Is A "Dangerous Trend" Rising Of Men "Who Won't Date Woke Women"

Sometimes there are headlines posted on Twitter that I laugh off. "It's amazing how well The Onion makes up these fake stories." Every blue moon, the headline isn't from The Onion, though. It's real and it's glorious. That happened this weekend, when I stumbled upon this article:

It comes to us from Refinery29, which is described as "a modern woman's destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life."

Some of the highlights from the article:

SOURCE-Did you hear that at the back, ladies? Laurence Fox — who you perhaps only knew as Billie Piper’s ex-husband because you’ve never seen Lewis (what?) — does not date “woke” women who he believes are being taught that they are “victims”, irrespective of whether they are right or not.


Not wanting to date “woke” women, far from being laughable, is actually one of the more insidious aspects of it. Spend an afternoon on any major dating app and you’ll come across (generally white) men saying openly sexist and misogynistic things. They might say “no psychos” or that they “fucking hate big eyebrows” in their bios. And, by and large, they also tend to hold extremely right-wing views and see themselves as victims of liberal thinking.


In fact, as I was writing this, a dear friend sent me a screenshot of a guy she’s just matched with who describes Jordan B Peterson as his “dream dinner guest”

The horror!

I, meanwhile, recently had to block someone who after matching with me launched into a vile rant about how women are “evil”, “only want sex” and treat men as though they are “disposable”. When I asked him if he hated women he replied that he had “only moderate disdain” for us before asking me whether I didn’t want to date him because I’m actually “pretty rough”.

People forget that only women are allowed to be frustrated with men and not vice versa. 

All of this, of course, speaks not only to the presence of the very active online communities of anti-feminist incels but to the prevalence of the hideous and incorrect ideas they promote.

Was waiting for her to throw in the incel thing. Weirdly enough, it seems like the author is the female version of an incel, which is not her fault, but mens fault. 

Here's an idea: men should date who they want. Women should date who they want. 

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