Dog Pukes Up Wedding Ring That Had Been Lost For 5 Years

STEVENS POINT, Wisc.A Wisconsin woman found her wedding ring that she lost five years ago. It turned up in the most unusual way — courtesy her dog’s stomach. Tucker is your typical pooch. The dog likes playing with his Frisbee and rolling on the grass on a hot summer day. You wouldn’t think he’s 10 years old by the way he acts. Like every pup, he likes getting into trouble. He’s known in the family to be the food burglar. And it’s because of that nickname a secret hiding in his belly would be revealed. Two weeks ago Lois Matykowski and her granddaughter were eating popsicles outside. “After I turn around and look at my granddaughter and the popsicle is gone and there’s tucker smacking his jaws,” she said. The “food burglar” had struck again, swallowing the popsicle whole. But the snatched food soon came back up. Two days later Tucker started vomiting again, but this time it wasn’t a popsicle stick. “I look in the paper towel, and here is my wedding ring. I kid you not. My wedding ring was in Tucker’s puke,” Matykowski said. She said her ring disappeared about five years ago. She searched the house high and low with no luck. “I was devastated. How do you replace something like that? Not only the value of the ring but just the emotional ties, too,” she said. Matykowski’s veterinarian says the popsicle stick may have dislodged the ring inside Tucker. An X-ray showed there are no more treasures hidden in Tucker’s belly, but Matykowski says Tucker is still the envy of the neighborhood. “Friends have said, ‘I want a dog that throws up diamonds.’ Who wouldn’t, right?” she said. “I have my wedding ring back, and Tucker is big dog on campus right now. He’s my hero.” 

Dogs – even when they’re technically the asshole who ate your diamond ring 5 years ago, they’re still making you happy. I mean the reality of the matter is this dog’s owner probably had to buy his wife a new ring for like a zillion dollars. The old ring has been rotting in the belly of a dog for 5 years. The damage is pretty much done at this point but whatever man! Your pooch got you your ring back! He’s your hero! He’s the Diamond Dog. Other dogs want to be him, other people want to own him. If one of your human friends was like “Hey here’s your ring back, I took it 5 years ago,” you’d call him an asshole and probably press charges. Tucker pukes it up and we’re throwing a party for everyone involved.

The other day I couldn’t find the remote control to my TV. Checked every cushion, every crack. Nowhere to be found. Eventually I found it in Duncan’s mouth hanging out behind the couch. Completely ruined. And all I could say to him was “thanks for finding the remote, man.” Its my fault you ate that remote in the first place.

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