Emily Ratajkowski Is Tired Of Getting So Much Attention For Being Hot


MirrorShe shot to fame when she stripped off in Robin Thicke’s controversial Blurred Lines music video and now she’s back – and doing a lot more of that sexy stripping stuff. Brit-born model Emily Ratajkowski wore a teeny tiny pair of black bikini bottoms and lathered herself in oil (and what appears to be dirt) to grace the July issue of GQ magazine. The stunning 23-year-old looks smouldering as she stares seductively into the camera while posing on a beach in Kona, Hawaii. Talking to GQ about her sexy Blurred Lines music video debut, she said that even though she liked it, it had its downsides. “I didn’t want to do it at first,” she explained. “But I talked to the director and I understood what it was.” She continued: “I do like it. But if there’s one thing I’d request, it’s for people who who see me out to not be, like, ‘You’re the hottest b**ch in this place.’ When it comes on in a bar, I run into the bathroom and hide.” Gosh, sounds tough. But even worse is all those pesky guys taking her picture when she’s out, she says. “Bars are bad. Generally, people don’t want to be embarrassing but when there’s alcohol involved and group mentality, it can be a little weird. “Guys will say, ‘You know who you look like…,’ and then word spreads. Or guys to this thing where they go, ‘I would love to take a picture of you for my friend.’ Emily added: “And then they get out their phone and their hand’s shaking, and I’m like, ‘You’re taking this for your friend? I thought you didn’t care.'”  “Generally, I just think there is a real lacking in men knowing how to hit on women. I have this whole running joke with someone: What Would Denzel Do? “Like, you don’t think about how many days you should wait to call the girl – you just do it when you want. F**kin’ Denzel. You do what you want, you know what you want.”

Life’s tough, huh Em? Everybody thinks you’re the hottest girl on earth. Famous directors are hand picking you for movies you don’t deserve.  Rough stuff. I guess the worst part is that probably everyone just sees you as a sex symbol even though you’re constantly naked, right? Everyone wants to take pictures with you even though you take pictures for a living and its the only reason you have any success? Very tough.

This must have been the “maturity” Ben Affleck was talking about when he cast her for his new movie AKA decided he wanted to fuck her. So sophisticated that when it came to Blurred Lines the director needed to explain his vision for the video before she agreed to do it. I wonder what that conversation was like. “OK Emily this song is basically about dudes fucking chicks absolutely whenever they want and since all men can think about when they look at you is “I want to fuck that girl,” I think you should be the naked piece of pussy in this video. And after you do that you’ll be famous and every dude will do whatever you ask of them from now until you get ugly.” And Emily was probably like “Hmmmm I think I see your artistry here. Let me take out my tits.”

PS – What Would Denzel Do, Emily? He’d probably be like “Oh that’t that naked chick from that video with Pharrell and Growing Pains dude’s son? Bring her over here I want to fuck her.” And he’d probably say “Myy man” somewhere in there. I bet you wouldn’t mind being a sex icon then, would you Emily?

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