Brooklyn Dude Decapitates Himself During High Speed Chase With The Police

NY Post – A driver was decapitated while trying to flee police in Brooklyn — when his car slammed into the back of a flatbed truck Tuesday, sources said. The gruesome wreck happened when police tried to pull over a black Infiniti G35 sedan on the Gowanus Expressway near Hamilton Avenue around noon. When they tried to exit the highway via the ramp at Atlantic Avenue near Hicks Street, the car collided with the back of the truck, shearing off the top of the driver’s head. “When he exited here, he was driving 70 to 80 miles per hour, and the trailer was waiting for the light,” said Joseph Vega, 59, who was riding his bike to work at the time. “Highway patrol was chasing him,” Vega continued, adding that both occupants were wearing seatbelts. “When I went to see what happened to the driver, he had no head. His head was in the back seat. It was horrible.”

Dude I promise you whatever you were about to get arrested for was not worth Ned Stark’ing yourself. I don’t care if you just murdered someone, losing your head to a flatbed truck is worse than whatever the police had in store for you. Earlier this week there was a story about some tree trimmer falling directly into a woodchipper. They said he just went all the way through and Fargo’d himself. I thought that was gonna be the worst death story I heard about this week. But this other guy getting beheaded by a flat bed might take the cake. At least the tree trimmer was an accident. On a high speed chase from police you’ve only got yourself to blame.

So I guess the question is, would you rather go Ned Stark on your head or go Fargo in the woodchipper? Whats the worse way to go?

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