Pig The Dog With No Neck And The Hunchback Just Loving Life


ALABASTER, Ala.It’s impossible not to stare at Kim Dillenbeck’s dog Pig. Born in Atlanta with severe deformities and adopted by the Alabama woman, the 8-month-old mutt has gangly legs, a body that appears to have been chopped in half and no neck. Pig looks like one of those fake animals created with Photoshop to draw clicks on websites, yet she’s real. “The whole clinic loves her. She comes in and she’s a rock star here,” said Dr. Rachael Hudson-Breland, a veterinarian who treats Pig. The friendly little animal hops like a frog to stand up and walks with a high-shouldered gait that resembles a gorilla. Unable to swing her head side to side, Pig spins her whole body to see what’s beside her. None of the vets who care for the dog have ever seen another animal with the same condition, said Hudson-Breland, but Dillenbeck has seen a few similar-looking dogs on the Internet. Found as a puppy with three littermates in a wooded area in metro Atlanta, Pig is smaller than her surviving siblings at only 15 or so pounds. Her spine is about 7 inches shorter than normal and wavy, with many bones fused together. Dillenbeck, who first saw the dog during a Christmas visit and later brought her home, said coming up with a name wasn’t difficult. “When she was really, really little she looked like a little fuzzy piglet,” said Dillenbeck, who lives in nearby Helena. Tens of thousands of people have watched Internet videos of Pig since she had a coming-out party during a community event in Birmingham last month, and Pig has her own Facebook page with more than 3,400 followers.

Pig! How about this little Quasimodo gorilla dog with no neck hopping around having a blast? Dude has no idea that he’s even different from any other dogs. All he knows is he has to turn his whole body to look left or right and sometimes he falls over but thats it. Doesn’t think anything of his birth defects. And you know what the best part is? Neither do any of the other dogs. They still just want to sniff his ass and wrestle with him and do all that other great dog stuff. If this was humans, Pig would be shunned and probably end up being such an outcast she’d spiral into a fit of depression and kill herself. All the other dogs would pick on her until she was suicidal. But dogs just don’t have a spiteful bone in their body.

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