Angie Martinez Leaves Hot 97 For Power 105 In The Biggest Heel Turn Since Hogan At Bash At The Beach

MTV – It looks like Angie Martinez — “The Voice of New York,” as even President Obama calls her — isn’t going too far after all. The Bronx native dropped a bombshell yesterday, announcing her resignation from New York’s Hot 97.1 radio station after 15 years on the air, and now we know where she’s off to. On Thursday morning (June 19), Clear Channel announced that Martinez would be joining the team at rival radio station Power 105. 1, in addition to airing on 103.5 The Beat in Miami. She’s set to host a new afternoon show, running fro 2 – 6 p.m in New York. Power 105 and Hot 97 have been fierce competitors in recent years, so the move is definitely unexpected. Martinez announced her resignation on-air Wednesday, and that was followed by an Instagram post saying goodbye. The outpouring of reactions was immediate, with colleagues and artists like Q-Tip paying their respects. “This was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make but ultimately it is time to move on, to grow and to be challenged in new ways,” she said in her farewell post. “Saying goodbye is always emotional and bitter sweet but I am extremely excited about the future.”

Piece of my childhood died yesterday when Angie Martinez announced she was leaving Hot 97. It seems like just yesterday she was hosting Battle of the Beats for the Canibus/LL Cool J beef. Throughout that whole golden age of hip hop in the 90s and early 2000s Angie Ma was there. Aside from Flex droppin bombs and yelling Cipha Dont Get Gassed, she basically was Hot 97.

So even though I havent listened to 97.1 for like 10 years, hearing she was leaving Hot 97 was weird. But finding out she’s going to Power 105 if the craziest heel turn since Hogan joined the nWo in ’96. I mean Benedict Arnold would call this a cold blooded move. Lebron leaving Cleveland was less disrespectful. The fact that Power 105 overtook Hot 97 in the ratings and now poached Angie Martinez is like the fall of the Roman Empire when it comes to hip hop radio in New York. I remember when Power 105 first came out and they did something absurd like 105 straight hours with no commercials except all they did was play What’s Luv by Fat Joe and Ashanti on repeat for like 5 straight days. Now here they are taking down Hot 97’s Queen. Checkmate, man. All thats left is for Funk Flex to go join the Z Morning Zoo or some shit and its sheets for Hot 97.

PS – Imagine Francesa ever making the jump to ESPN radio? I wonder how much money, if any, it would take to lure Mike there. I legit think you could offer him like 50 million and he’d say no on principal.

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