Nigerian Singer Offering Up Her Virginity In Exchange For The 220 Schoolgirls Who Were Kidnapped


IBTimes- A Nigerian singer has offered her virginity to terror group Boko Haram in exchange for the 220 schoolgirls the insurgents kidnapped last April. Adokiye Kyrian, known by many as Adokiye, told Nigerian newspaper Vanguard: “This is 11pm in the night and do you know what I am thinking about? “Those little girls, where they are and what could be happening to them. It is just unfair. They are too young. I wish I could offer myself in exchange. “They are between 12- and 15-year-old girls for Christ sake. I am older and more experienced. Even if 10 to 12 men have to take me every night, I don’t care. Just release these girls and let them go back to their parents,” the 23-year-old singer added. In April the singer, according to Sowetan newspaper, who is also a UN Ambassador of Peace in Nigeria, offered her virginity to any man who could buy a jet for her mother.

Well then.  Everybody’s hash tag of #BringBackOurGirls don’t look so special now, do they?  Nope.  Any dick dragging around a body can type a hash tag into their phone and tweet it out to their 150 followers saying they’re outraged by what has happened.  That takes almost zero effort and really no commitment from the person sending the tweet.  If anything the people tweeting a hash tag like that are out looking for attention.  They want people to see their tweet and say, “Look at that.  That person actually cares about this issue” when in reality they don’t.  They don’t at all.  They just want people to think that they care, win some humanity points and maybe a couple followers along the way.  Well this singer Adokiye Kyrian just trumped everybody and their stupid meaningless tweets.  Offering up her virgitnity to the sick assholes who kidnapped all of these girls in the first place.  Now that takes commitment because I wouldn’t put it past the kidnappers to strike the deal.  She’s actually pretty hot and clearly willing.  That quote about her saying she would let 10 to 12 guys take her every night if that’s what it takes was crazy.  That’s one hell of a sales pitch.  I’m gonna go as far as to call it heroic.  She’s either incredibly dedicated to getting this girls back or super duper horny.  Either way, it’s a great gesture on her part.  Will it work?  No way but it’s the thought that counts.

PS- I guess this young singer also offered up her virginity a couple months ago to the first guy who would buy her Mom a jet.  This chick just needs to get laid already.

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