Chinese Man Painting Nude Gets His Dick Stuck In A Pipe And Waits 2 Days To Call For Help

NYDNA Chinese man was so embarrassed about getting his penis stuck in a pipe that he waited two long and painful days before he called for help. “It was so hot I was painting in the nude and I slipped on the floor, causing my private parts to fall inside the pipe,” Lian Tien told the Mirror. His bizarre excuse came 48 hours into his trial. He waited so long because he thought nobody would believe him. The 61-year-old’s penis was excruciatingly trapped in the narrow pipe used to take water from the building’s air conditioning unit. According to the Mirror, it was only when he developed a fever that he rang doctors begging for help, but they suggested he call firefighters first. “The member had swollen so much that there was nothing more we could do, and we had to ask for help,” Dr. Dewei Yuan explained. Rescuers based in Quanzhou City took four long hours to carefully cut off the pipe around the patient’s genitals.

Sure thing bro. Painting in the nude. Thats how you got your dick stuck in a pipe. Slipped and fell and, whoops! My dick is in a pipe. Thats the best story you could come up with after two fucking days? 48 hours to come up with a plausible reason why your penis is stuck in a tube and you went with “I was painting naked and fell.”

Just tell it like it is dude. You were pipe fucking. Just about every guy on the planet has stuck his dick into a circular opening. You know how many times I stuck my dick in a paper towel roll? Too many times to count. You get a little curious and you just put your junk inside of stuff. Its only natural. I probably wouldn’t go with a pipe, but I can understand how this kinda shit happens. But when it does you just gotta own up to it. Call the fire department and say “Listen fellas I was pipe fucking and now I’m stuck. Can you come saw me out of this thing?” They’ll understand. Certainly don’t wait 2 days and still deliver the worst lie I’ve ever heard. Now you’ve got a swollen cock and you look like a moron.

Shout out to Tim for the tip


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