Now's Not The Time To Bail On The Rangers

It was just a week ago when the Rangers bandwagon was at an all-time high. NYC was buzzing with talk of a Cup parade for the first time in 20 years & it took well over a grand to reserve a spot in the 400’s at MSG. Fast-forward to today and ticket prices have been cut in half while fair weather fans are jumping ship. For those who genuinely root for the Blueshirts year in & year out though, tonight should be the first stress-free game over the last two months. That’s not necessarily a good thing, but being down 3-0 means you have to be a little realistic. Is it over? No – but it’s close.

At this point, all I want to see is my team get a win in their own arena. If they do then I’ll be sucked right back into grasping at straws as to why the Rangers can climb their way back. If they are finished off tonight by the better team, I can tip my cap and thank LA for what they taught the young core of this Blueshirts squad about being a championship team. Of course I’m not happy with this series and how NY let a couple of wins slip away, but overall I’m proud of how they rallied to get here. I’m proud that my team has a hockey game on their schedule on June 11th & any other fan should be too. So if you’re at the Garden tonight, be loud. If you’re at Saloon or a buddy’s house, enjoy the fucking game. Sure, anything can happen and I’ll absolutely be pulling for it – but the New York Rangers playing a Game 4 of a Stanley Cup final is gonna be a blast for me regardless of the outcome. VIVA LA BLUESHIRTS!!

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