Compliment Of The Season: All Business Pete Fucked Our Internet

On Thursday, we all received an email from ABP regarding a change to our network. Or did we? 

I have to say when I saw "Compliment of the Season", the first thing I did was click on the name in the email to make sure it was truly coming from ABP.  Even though there was no call to action, the salutation triggered me. It indeed was him. Damn. Too soon Pete, way too soon. 

On Friday, all of the changes to this ambiguous and definitely not sketchy "network change" were complete. 

Monday, today... the office is in chaos. This brand spankin' new network, in true ABP fashion, is operating worse than ever before. Even a simple google search is moving slower than gay Pat during our Saturday pick-up game. And his knees are worse than Brandon Roy's. The rainbow wheel of death is just spinning and spinning and spinning. 

Even Erika is getting involved. Compliment of the fucking season. 

If you're going to take shots Pete, make sure you come correct. Right now, we're all debating which Starbucks we're going to steal internet from so we can... I don't know, actually work. 

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