Introducing Coach Kent Murphy....AKA - Our New LA Guy

Hey this is for all the people trashing Barstool LA already…..


So surprise, surprise all the Stoolies are out to torch Barstool LA already.  “Hey Pres why’d you hire those asshats.   We hate comedians blah, blah, blah.   That’s not what Barstool is about”.  Newsflash.  That is what Barstool is about.  More than anything we’re a satire comedy site.    Long story short I saw this Kent Murphy video and started watching more and more of them and thought they were brilliant and laughed everytime.  And keep in mind I never laugh at videos like these.   So I decided I had to hire Kent Murphy’s ass and that’s exactly what I fucking did.    Just turns out that Kent was moving to LA to pursue the dream and he has found it with us.   Bottomline is this.  I’ve said from Day 1 the goal with Barstool is to turn this shit pig into a national brand.  We need to be coast to coast.   Fuck bitches, get money.  That’s what we’re trying to do over here.  I want the best funniest people I can find.  I keep using the SNL analogy.   I want to turn this into an internet juggarnaut where if you’re fucking hilarious you come to us.  Kent Murphy is fucking hilarious so I hired his ass.  Met him in LA this past weekend.  He’s the real deal.  And if you don’t think those videos are funny you should probably kill yourself.



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