This Is Simply Too Much Snow

I've lived in the northeast my entire life. Snow is cool and good for like 15 minutes the first time you see it every year and then never again after that. Truly one of life's mysteries. But you put up with it, because science has failed to allow us to control the skies. It's 2020 and those dweebs haven't done anything noteworthy yet. Unbelievable. And while I've seen snow for each of the last 30 years, I don't believe I've ever seen anything as horrific as what's going on in Newfoundland right now. 

It's still snowing, like, right now. As you read this it is still snowing. It's been snowing all weekend. As many as 30" were dumped at one time. I haven't even been able to find an official report of how much snow actually fell. I assume it's because the people in charge of reporting such are trapped in their homes. Where the fuck do you even put this shit other than stack it to the sky and tell God to deal with it? Will it even melt or is Newfoundland just West Greenland now? If this snow turns solid and replaces the ground permanently I think we should take a mulligan on the whole "Greenland is icy and Iceland is green" debacle our ancestors fucked up. Newfoundland will become New Iceland and school children around the globe will finally end their confusion. Newfoundland was a really mailed in name to begin with, if any positives want to come from this ungodly amount of snow finding Newfoundland a real name might just be the ticket. That and snow fridges. Snow fridges rule. 

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